A few of my favourite things

I'm not one for cliches but one does ring true 'With age comes wisdom'.This is not to say that I am wise (or old!) but I do believe that I have come a long way in the last ten years. I'm no longer materialistic and I know that the simple things in life are what matters. Finding what you love, what makes you happy. For me it's not a magazine styled house or designer labels, for me life is simple. Fourt things fill me with joy; my family, writing, music and travel. In a perfect world I would be travelling the world with my family whilst writing and listening to music.I've written before about how travelling is one of my favourite things to do and brings experiences that I will remember and that will influence me for the rest of my life. My travel adventures have taken me far and wide from the US of A, to Europe, the UK, Ireland and Fiji, and I have been lucky enough combine family and travel on many of those trips.But rather than bang on about how much I love to travel I thought I'd give you a visual feast of a few of my favourite places to travel. (And I won't subject you to my less than professional photography skills) 

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Innsbruck, Austria

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Where is your favourite place in the world?

Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT


So you want to be a writer?


Treading water