Latest News
The Ask The Author podcast is now on YouTube! Yep, just search for Ask The Author with Jodi Gibson and you can watch and listen, and don’t forget to subscribe!
November saw me run a NaNoWriMo group for 18 Write Squad members. In total we wrote over 300,000 words which is amazing!
I now have 43,000+ words on my next feel-good fiction manuscript.
Exciting news! My third novel in the women’s feel-good fiction genre, REINVENTING EMILY BROWN was published in September 2023.
I had a fabulous time in Melbourne at the Croydon Library for the release of Emily and the Mornington Library as well. So lovely to meet and chat to readers.
The Ask The Author Podcast is now live! I’m so excited to step into the podcasting space and share my knowledge with aspiring writers. You can find the podcast wherever you listen to your pods!
2022 has been a huge year writing wise. There’s been ups and downs and as I approach the end of the year I’ve gained clarity in the direction I want to take my writing career.
I hope to formally announce soon that in 2023, my third women’s fiction novel will be published. This novel has been a challenge to work on but after many structural edits and wonderful feedback from beta readers, she will be on her way to you soon.
Also this year I delved into an entirely new genre: Crime Fiction.
Crime fiction is something I’ve always wanted to write but until now had always thought I wasn’t good/skilled/talented enough. Now, with multiple books under my belt, I’m ready to push aside that self-doubt and go for it!
In 2023, my focus will be completing and hopefully contracting/publishing my first crime novel in the hope that this will be the way forward for me. I have so many ideas and stories (currently three manuscripts on the go) and would love to cement my place in the crime genre in future years.
The Five Year Plan was shortlisted in Booktopia Books’ Favourite Australian Book Awards.
The Five Year Plan is now available from all independent bookstores, online at or wherever you buy your ebooks.
Jodi reached the Top 50 finalists in the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge. A worldwide short story challenge where writers compete in four rounds of stories. Over 6,000 writers entered this year.
Jodi is excited to announce that her next novel The Five Year Plan has been acquired by Brio Books and will be published on September 7th 2021.
Jodi announces her next novel, The Five Year Plan will be published in the second half of 2021. Stay tuned for the cover reveal and publication information and surprises coming soon.
Aug 20th - The Memories We Hide is one year old! Happy book birthday!
The Five Year Plan (working title) is now out on submission to agents and publishers. Wish me luck!
I'm teaming with writing coach and mentor Kelly Rigby to work through my next work in progress, another uplit feelgood women's fiction with the working title of Reinventing Emily Brown.
Having spent the first half of the year rewriting and refining my current manuscript The Five Year Plan (working title) the structural edits are back from my editor and it's in good shape. Time for the final refinements.
Sharing the books that spark joy in me over at Pamela Cook's blog.
Blog Tour Time!
Jodi was thrilled to be involved in the #LoveBooksTour during October.
Starting off at the Chat About Books blog
Author Spotlight at Portobello Book Blog
Sharing an excerpt at Books Teacup and Reviews
Talking about the characters from The Memories We Hide with Being Anne
Talking about the setting over at Short Book and Scribes
Another excerpt at ebooks Addicts UK
A stunning 5-star review at Shalini's Book Reviews
Read an excerpt over at Books Review by Jasmine
A 5-star review at Forever The Wanderer
Another snippet from the book over at BforBookReview
In October Jodi was also interviewed by Alison Laverty on her blog about her writing and The Memories We Hide. Click here to read
Reviews in!
Jodi's has had some great reviews on her novel on Goodreads and Amazon, and also appeared on the following blogs with reviews and articles.
Mrs. Bs Book Reviews - Book Review
Tea with Mrs. B- author interview
Wordmothers - What does it take to be an indie author?
Debbish - Book Review
Jodi was interviewed in The Wangaratta Chronicle about her new book.
20th August- Jodi's debut novel, was published. Now available in eBook on all platforms, from Booktopia, major books stores and ask at your local independent book store.
Jodi was interviewed on the Writes4Women podcast. Listen on your favourite podcast app or directly here.
Jodi and Pam discuss the indie publishing industry and of course Jodi's debut novel!
The Memories We Hide now has a cover and a publication date. The 3rd September 2019 will be the date where you can purchase either the ebook or paperback copy. Keep an eye out for the pre-order period!
Jodi’s debut novel (contemporary drama) The Memories We Hide will be published in July/August. Make sure you keep an eye out for the cover reveal and a chance to win yourself a copy!
Jodi is excited to announce she will be publishing her debut novels in both genres (contemporary drama and light women’s fiction) in 2019. Stay tuned for more details, or sign up to be the first to know.
In 2017, Jodi had two stories selected as part of the Queensland Writers’ Centre 8-Word Story Competition. Both stories appeared on billboards around Brisbane. As a result, Jodi appeared in a local newspaper discussing her writing and success in the Queensland Writers’ Centre 8-Word Story Competition.
Jodi’s short story ‘The Window’ was long-listed in the 2017 Birdcatcher Books Short Story Competition and was also selected to be published in their anthology collection.
Jodi was awarded an Honorable Mention in the first round of the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge. This challenge involved having to write a short story in 8 days, in a randomly generated genre, setting and character assigned by the team.
In November, Jodi was invited to be interviewed by the lovely and talented Kirsty Dummin for her blog series, ‘The Writer’s Room’. Click here to read
June 2017, Jodi was featured on Louise Allen’s ‘Writers in the Attic’ series, where I wrote about how I found my place in the world of writing. Click here to read
April 2017, Jodi took part in a week-long masterclass with best-selling prolific Australian author, Fiona McIntosh. The week was spent immersing herself in the invaluable wisdom and knowledge from Fiona along with sixteen other aspiring writers.
Interviewed on author Natasha Lester’s blog as a part of her “Hopefully-soon-to-be-published writers” series.
Listen to Jodi’s interview with Vanessa Carnevale on her “Your Creative Life” podcast, where they discuss all things writing from blogging, to copywriting, and of course creative writing.