And so it begins...

and so it beginsToday feels like the beginning.The school holidays are over, and I'm ready to settle back into routine. As much as I love the spontaneity of being on holidays, especially being away on the coast, I always love coming back home and normality. Although, it's not exactly normal around these parts.If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen we have seven new arrivals at casa del Gibson. Seven new golden retriever puppies!puppiesSo for the next few weeks things won't be exactly routine, but will certainly be fun!In case you missed it, my word for this year is focus. Focusing on my writing in a serious way. Focusing on finishing edits. Focusing on rewriting. Focusing on pushing forward with both manuscripts and beginning to query agents.To do this, I'm going to need to be super-organized and sacrifices will need to be made. I'll need to learn to adapt and change some of my set ways. But I'm ready. If I don't focus now, it won't happen. And I don't think I've ever wanted anything as much as this. As cliched as it is, I don't want to ever wonder what could have been. I'd rather fail splendidly than live in wonder.So I have a plan.A girl's gotta have a plan right?And next week I'm letting you in on it. My plan on how I'm getting super-organized, simplifying my days, and sharpening my lens so my focus is in sight and clear.2017, you're mine!! 

How were your holidays? Are the kids back at school? Do you have big plans this year?And do you want more photos of our puppies?


Linking for the first time in 2017 with Kylie Purtell for I Blog On Tuesdays. 


5 ways to improve your writing right now


Book Review: The Crossroads