Book Review: The Dangers of Truffle Hunting

dangers truffle hunting

The Dangers of Truffle HuntingAuthor: Sunni OverendPublished: 2016Publisher: Harper CollinsMy Rating: 5/5

Is life too short to play it safe?

Kit Gossard's life is neatly mapped out. A secure photographic Job. A partner ready to commit. A wedding in the family vineyard for her mother to preside over. So why the apprehension? Why a hunger for something... more? 

The Dangers of Truffle Hunting is the debut novel from Australian author Sunni Overend. Before you even read a word, you will fall in love with the gorgeous cover, and the words inside are just as beautiful.

Sunni Overend has delivered a sensual, seductive novel that will have your mouth-watering, and your mind wandering. She delivers descriptions that are vivid, and deliver in all five senses. From the scenes involving delectable food, to picturesque and aromatic scenes of life on a working vineyard, Overend creates Kit's world in living colour right before your eyes. And it doesn't end there.

The characters Overend has created are not only believable, but will have you feeling all the feels. The main protagonist Kit, is at times frustrating and self-absorbed. For many readers that may be a turn off, but Overend has masterfully sculpted Kit's character so that you actually feel for her rather than roll your eyes at her actions. Sometimes it's so bleeding obvious what she should do, (and what she shouldn't!), but as with real life, things are never that simple. The secondary characters - her fiance Scott, mother Annaliese, brother Marc, and the alluring Raph - have been richly developed and add to the story in the perfect way.

The storyline evolves slowly at first, which some have criticized .But once you pass the half way point, the plot comes thick and fast. Twists and turns you don't see coming, and the scenes at Rosa's French school are exquisite. I devoured the second half of the book in super quick time.

I can't leave this review without mentioning the way Overend uses Kit's job as a photographer throughout the narrative. Previous to reading this book photography wasn't much I thought about. I admire great photography, and love looking at amazing photos, but had never given much thought to the process, inspiration, and creativity behind the lens. (I am an awful photographer!) But Overend had me totally enthralled with seeing the possibilities through the lens of a camera. The way Kit sees her photos before her with such passion and creativity was just beautiful. If only I had time to take up another hobby!

The Dangers of Truffle Hunting is a provocative, sophisticated read, that will leave you hungry for more.


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