How do you bring joy to your day?

landsape fogThere's nothing more joyful than doing something you love. If you are fortunate, enough you may even get to do something you love for your job. And even if you don't, making the time each day to something that makes your heart warm with joy is crucial.It doesn't need to be anything big, and, in fact, often the simplest things can bring us the most joy.It will come as no surprise you regular readers that writing is something that brings me joy. Whether it's blogging or writing great website content for clients or tapping away on my fiction manuscript being in front of the keyboard and using words calms my soul and makes me smile.But as it is what I do for a living, it is important to make sure I find other things during my day that bring me joy. Things like morning cuddles from my girls, walking the dogs or sweating it out on the spin bike - all these things bring me joy. Or reading a book or just that moment at the end of the day when I can sit down on the couch with a cuppa and hubby.Sometimes, after a long day where nothing has gone the way it should, that moment on the couch is the only joyful thing! But, sometimes, that's all you need.I think it's important to realise the little things that bring joy to your life because sometimes the world can be a dark place. And sometimes, as hard as you might try, it's difficult to feel that joy, even for a moment.That's why writing what brings you joy or makes you happy can be useful.A few months ago I wrote a post 25 Things That Make Me Happy. It was only supposed to be ten things, but as I wrote the list, I just kept thinking of more and more wonderful things that made me feel calm and content.Now and then when things have been particularly stressful, I click back on that post. It reminds me of the simpleness of life and how the most ordinary things can bring the most purpose and joy. And then things don't feel so bad.So tell me, what bring joy to your day?


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