Keep on believing: 2016 Word of the Year Update

keep on believingBack in January when I announced my word for 2016 was believe, I mentioned how well I thought it carried on from my 2015 word; fearless. And now we've tipped over the half way point of the year, I can say I was absolutely right.Fearless and believe are working in beautiful harmony for me this year. Maybe it's because I've hit the magical four-zero and I'm caring less of what others think of me. Instead, realising that if I want something, no one has the right to judge me for it. Call it wisdom, call it whatever, but it's working.I'm totally believing that I can do this. That I can write something of worth, even something worthy of being published. Whether or not it actually happens isn't entirely up to me, particularly if I choose the traditional publishing route, but I will at least know I've put every effort into it. I will squeeze out every ounce of myself to make my writing the best it can be. Improving with each manuscript, with each draft; always. Not until a certain point, always.I always want to strive to do better. To believe that I can do better. And to fear-less what others think, and just go for it.One of the hardest things for us humans to do is to believe in ourselves. Why? I think it's because if we believe in ourselves, if we're positive and work hard, we will feel like a failure if things don't work out the way we planned.It's true, if I don't ever get a publishing contract I'll be disappointed. But I won't feel like a failure. I'll be proud of the work I've put in. I'll be proud that I believed in myself. Then once I get over the disappointment, I'll continue on. I'll look at different routes to publication. I won't have failed, I'll have tried. And I'll keep trying. Keep believing.As Steve Perry from "Journey" once sang...

How's the half-way point of 2016 looking for you?

Linking with Kylie from for IBOT


Book Review: Truly Madly Guilty


From generic success to personal success