I've been blogging for just on ten years. Starting out as a business blog, then a general 'discover who I am' blog, and for the last two or so years, a writing blog. When I first began blogging the landscape was less crowded and very supportive. Comments were everything. Nowadays, things have changed.The internet is a very loud place with millions screaming to be heard. Now it's about niches. My niche is writing, and probably leaning towards indie publishing as well.Today, blogging success is difficult to measure (unless it's your primary focus in which case you should be all over measuring its success and ROI!). Success is no longer measured purely by website hits and comments. It's measured by social media interaction, community building, newsletter sign-ups and communication between the reader and writer (blogger). Which in a long way around, brings me to my top 2018 blog posts.This list hasn't been curated by comments, which is how it's been done in the past, but more on the reactions I received from readers in the form of emails, social media hits and discussions. So let's go!http://www.jfgibson.com.au/improve-writing-output/http://www.jfgibson.com.au/navigating-self-doubt-as-a-writer/http://www.jfgibson.com.au/many-words-makes-writer/http://www.jfgibson.com.au/facebook-changes/http://www.jfgibson.com.au/books-on-writing/http://www.jfgibson.com.au/how-to-own-calling-yourself-a-writer/http://www.jfgibson.com.au/5-tools-to-increase-writing-productivity/http://www.jfgibson.com.au/an-indie-publishing-journey-chapter-1-the-beginning/http://www.jfgibson.com.au/draft/http://www.jfgibson.com.au/my-best-books-of-2018/           


5 misconceptions of self publishing


What does author success look like to you?