one-word-2018 .Hello 2018! A new year is upon us, and it's time to start thinking about the the year ahead. Some set resolutions or set goals, me, I choose a word.One single word to guide me with intention through the year. My previous words have been:

2017: Focus2016: Believe2015: Fearless2014: Change

Each of these words had a significant impact on each of those years, and I continue to carry all my words with me. For me, choosing a word is cumulative. These words help me live with intent each and every day. And now it is time to choose a word for 2018.I find when I choose a word, it usually just comes to me. I begin thinking about it at the start of December and it stays at the back of my mind. And then all of a sudden, my word will appear. And I just know. Weird, huh?Okay, enough build up. Drum roll please... My word for 2018 is...  


 ..Curious to me means a few different things. It means expanding my horizons. Taking chances. Accepting new challenges. Stepping outside my comfort zone. It is more than just asking why or how. It is about bringing awareness and possibility to the forefront of my thinking.For my writing, this could mean experimenting with voice and genre, entering more competitions, trying new story ideas, and expanding on the possibilities within my existing works in progress.For life in general, it could mean saying yes more often to things that scare me, exploring new paths and opportunities, and bring more light into my world.I'm really excited - dare I say, curious - to see where my 2018 word takes me. So bring it on 2018, show me what you go, 'cause I'm ready.

Do you have a word for 2018?



Book Review: Slow


It's okay to take a break (from writing)