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Another Tuesday, another IBOT. I'm not exactly sure how long I've been linking with the I Blog On Tuesdays link up, I guess it's been almost four years. When I first discovered IBOT, it was being hosted by founder and all round lovely blogger Jess over at Essentially Jess. Fast forward five years and Kylie from Capturing Life has taken over the reigns continuing the tradition.When I initially started linking to IBOT, I found it a great way to discover new blogs, and it's been great getting to know the bloggers, many who regularly link up, as well as those new ones who pop up. The reasons I continue to link up are many, so I thought being the sharing, caring type, I'd share them with you!

5 Reasons I love the IBOT link up

It makes me blog

One of the best things about the regular Tuesday link up, is that it makes me blog. Not that I don't want to blog, or find it difficult. I mean, if I did, I just wouldn't blog. But, we all know life gets in the way and as much as we love to do things, some things have to give way at times. By design or luck, I've fallen into a bit of a regular blogging pattern. I blog at least twice a week - Tuesday with IBOT where I link up one of my 'posts to get you thinking', and Thursdays with a more writing focused post. I also throw in the odd book review a few times a month. This pattern serves me well. It's almost like turning up to a job, but a job I love! 

It's like catching up with old friends

As I mentioned earlier, I've come to 'know' some amazingly talented, interesting, and lovely bloggers through the IBOT link up. Bloggers who I love seeing what they are up to, and what's going through their minds. It's a bit like having a cuppa with an old friend, and chatting over many different topics. It's great conversation, great company, opens my eyes to other points of views and opinions, makes me laugh, sometimes shed a tear, but always smile. 

It's like meeting new people without the awkward small talk

I'm an introvert, and I'm socially awkward, so meeting people is not really my strong point! But, each Tuesday I look forward to seeing if there are any newbie IBOT babies. New people to meet and see if I gel with their voice, and their thoughts. And the bonus with blogs is - you get straight to the action; no awkward introductions or talk about the weather. And I'm always hopeful, the newbies will become lifelong IBOT friends. 

It makes me read blogs

Again, time is something we never have enough of. When I first entered the blogging world, I only read a few blogs. And then the blogosphere exploded. I don't know the stats as to how many blogs currently exist on the internet, but it's a lot! And sometimes it can be overwhelming. There are so many fantastic blogs out there I'd love to read, but I simply don't have the time. Linking with IBOT, allows me to connect and read a wide selection of blogs on a regular basis. Blogs that I am happy to make the time to read. 

IBOT Readers are a good bunch

There's no doubt IBOT is good for those who watch their stats. But, I've found the best thing about IBOT bloggers is they are readers who stick around. Readers who engage with me on other platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Readers who I've come to know, and who have come to trust me and my writing. And of course, the icing on the cake will be that some of them will buy my books (one day)! 

Are you an IBOT blogger? What do you love about it?

If you're interested in checking out the IBOT link up, head over to Kylie Purtell at Capturing Life.


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