writing-goals-2018.Now that the kids are back at school and the house is silent apart from the tree branches scratching against my window, I can think again. Don't get me wrong, we had a wonderful time on school holidays. Sleep-ins, sun, water, and nowhere to rush to; it was lovely. But, we were all ready for school to begin, and by all, I of course mean me.So now that school is back and in a blink it will be February, I'm ready to sit back down, strap my butt to the chair, and write. And set some writing goals for 2018.2017 was a foundation year for me. A year where I learned how to focus, stumbled my way through the full editing process, and completed a manuscript ready for submission. It was the year I learned what it takes to be a writer.Only other writers can understand the dedication and commitment it takes to pursue novel writing. It's a long process of highs and lows, where there are no guarantees that anyone other yourself will ever set eyes on the finished project. Where there may never be any accolades or celebrations, other than deep inside when you finish another step in the journey to who knows where.To non-writers, it may seem pointless. But hey, I feel chasing a little white ball around the paddock for four hours is pointless, so each to their own.So I have set myself some goals for the year. Some are pie-in-the-sky high, and some are more realistic and manageable. I feel it's a good thing to have both..

Get published

My first manuscript is out on submission, and still I've been faced with silence. No matter how many times a day I check and re-check my emails, nothing comes. Not even a rejection. In the whole scheme of things, it hasn't been long. I'm impatient, I know. But right now, I think I'd rather a rejection than silence. At least then I can move on to the next rung on the ladder and begin the waiting game all over again. But still, it's my goal. My aim. My dream. It's a big one, and one that is really out of my control, at least for this manuscript. All I know is, I've put my heart and soul into it, it's been through a structural edit with a professional, and it's the best it can be at this stage of my writing life. And so I wait, and the submission process will continue until I've exhausted all avenue. Because that's what it takes..

Finish the next manuscript

I'm about to continue editing my next manuscript. And once I've done that, it will be going to my editor for a structural edit, and from there more rounds of editing. By the end of 2018, I want to have it ready for submission. Now that I've been through the whole editing process and know how to work to a deadline, I know I can do it. So I will..

Enter more writing comps

I want to make the effort to enter more short story competitions. I'm not great a short stories as I tend to have big ideas that can't possibly fit into a small word count. But as they say, practice makes perfect - or at least makes possible. I've started again this year with the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge of which the first round heat is due in a couple of days! Better get cracking..

Build more websites for writers & authors

This is my side project. I need a side project, and I've discovered over a period of time, that my side project needs to be creative, but it can't be more writing. When I was combining copywriting and creative writing, I found by the end of a week I was sick of words. I didn't want to read them, look at them, or even hear them!  I need to leave all my words for my novels, (and some for blogging). And over the past twelve months I've been dabbling and doing a bit of study in webdesign. I particularly love helping new writers and authors grab their own piece of the internet. So I hope to be doing a little more of that this year, plus it helps pay the bills! I'm working on two author sites at the moment and I can't wait to share them with you..

More writing

I think there's enough in the above goals to keep me sorted for 2018, but, should I find myself with time on my hands I'd love to get my third manuscript finished, and even get a first draft down of a new idea! Mmmmm, let's see! .The way I look at goals is you've got to have different levels. Big, dreamy ones, and bite-sized achievable ones.And remember, goals without action are just dreams...I'll be popping over to Facebook on Friday for a live discussion on this blog post. I'd love for you to join me if you can. If you can't you'll still be able to view and comment on the video afterwards. See you at 2pm AEDST (Melbourne Australia time) over on my Facebook page.   ..


Book Review: The Sisters' Song


How Facebook's changes will affect your author page