Jodi Gibson is a women’s fiction author and host of the ASK THE AUTHOR podcast. Jodi has been published both independently and traditionally and is a passionate mentor for aspiring authors and hosts the Write Squad writing group on Instagram. Jodi’s latest novel Reinventing Emily Brown will be published in September 2023.

book with hot pink background and illustrated woman standing next to a basset hound. Title: Reinventing Emily Brown in cursive font, Author: Jodi Gibson in block font

Reinventing Emily Brown

A feel good, mid-life coming of age story for readers of Beth O’Leary.


 Can you trust your memories?

A poignant story of love, grief, memories and the lengths
we go to protect ourselves from it all.

Jade green book cover of the five year plan by jodi gibson with pink writing and an image of a man and woman leaning against vespa

When your life doesn’t go to plan…

A contemporary rom-com with a touch of humour and a lot of heart.
Shortlisted in Booktopia’s FAB awards 2021
Booktopia & Amazon Bestseller Sept 2021

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your writing?

  • Mentoring

    Need help on your writing journey?
    I assist writers to achieve their writing goals through one on one mentoring.

  • Podcast

    My weekly podcast ASK THE AUTHOR answers one hot writing question each week. A bite-size podcast that will fit easily into your listening schedule. Click here to find out more.

  • Write Squad

    Live writing sessions on Facebook and Instagram to help you keep motivated to get the words down. Come join the growing community.

  • Write Squad Community

    A dedicated community of aspiring and emerging authors coming together to learn, grow and write. Coming soon! Click below to find out more and register your interest.

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Five Things I Wish I’d Known Before Becoming An Author eBook!


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