I just want to write!


(Why the agave? I don't know, there's just something calming about succulents don't you think?)

 I shouldn't be here right now. I don't have time. But I just had to write.The last fortnight has been crazy. Between trying pack, renovate, run a business, run a household, organizing for upcoming dance comps, dealing with not one, but two, teenage challenges,  and other 'stuff' I haven't had much time to write. And I've entered full-on-hyperventilating-withdrawal mode.Okay, so I may be slightly over-exaggerating, but I am missing sitting down at the computer and writing.When I'm writing I feel calm. I feel like the world is revolving peacefully and everything is as it should be. Even in the procrastination phase or when I'm stuck for words, or sinking in a plot hole, I just feel I'm where I should be.I had grand plans to have finished the latest draft of my novel by now. I hate that I've pushed it to the 'It will have to wait' pile, but I also realise I'm not in the right mental space to be able to pay it the attention it deserves right now.We move next Tuesday and then there will be unpacking and settling in to be done, and cleaning up our old place ready for settlement. We also have a dance comp stuck right in the middle of all of this, which is super-perfect timing.Needless to say I'm counting down the days until I can devote a good chunk of time to my writing.  Till I can sit at my new desk, in my new office space and feel a sense of calm again. I just want to write!Until then, I'm back to packing, cleaning, organizing, yada-yada-yada! 


Moving: The Good, The Bad and The Wonderful

