
minimalist living (1)Right now, I'm knee-deep in the process of moving house. The walls stripped bare of photos, the cupboards emptied. Life packed into cardboard boxes and labeled accordingly.We don't have a lot of stuff. I'm quite the opposite of a hoarder, possibly balancing on the precipice of an OCD de-clutterer really, but even so, I still feel a bit overwhelmed by stuff.It's been almost four years since our last move, but I'm in such a different mind space now.Now I'm much more conscious of what adds value to my life. But it's a hard line to draw. There needs to be a balance between the things that do add value, and the things that are necessities.I have culled a lot of stuff during packing. And I know there will be more during the unpacking process. In fact, I think it's more important to cull when unpacking. With everything I unpack I will be considering it's importance, value and necessity. After all, it's a new space to thoughtfully transform from a house, to a home.My no means am I striving for a minimalist home with bare walls and limited furniture. I can see the attraction, but for me it comes down to what makes my home feel like home.For some it may be the simplest furniture and the bare necessities.For others it may be antique family heirlooms, trinkets, and ornaments adorning the space.I'm still working out exactly what my ideal space is. I know it involves family photos and books, pockets of warmth and areas of white space. And I also know it doesn't involve pointless 'stuff'. Stuff that doesn't represent the most important things to me; family and creativity.And so, as I carry on with the packing this week, I know that the heaviness of stuff will soon be lightened when I embark on the unpacking process. What will be left, will be space ready for the most important things that bring me contentment and joy.(And for those who have asked, photos of our house renovation will be coming soon, I promise) 

Do you ever get overwhelmed by stuff?When was the last time you had a good clean out and did it help your mental health?


Linking with IBOT over at Essentially Jess. 



I just want to write!


Grieving someone I didn't know