Nothing to say

magpieDo you ever feel like you have so much to say, but yet at the same time you have nothing to say? That's how I feel right now.There is so much going on at the moment and I don't mean in an overwhelming-busy way, just an accumulation of things.Yes, I'm being a bit vague I know, but the things that are going on fall in one of two categories:

  1. Very personal and not necessary to share here
  2. A complicated mess of knots in my head which need to be untangled so I can translate them into words.

And although I didn't need to blog today, particularly when I have nothing to say, I also felt I needed to. Just to write something, even at the expense of making any sense. But, I also think that it's much better to get something, anything, out in times like these.It's moments like this when I find myself asking the big questions with the unknown answers. The what ifs and the if onlys. When I start questioning and second guessing. And looking for something that makes sense in a time of nonsense. It's when I question the world we live in and long for simpler times. Which I know doesn't really help, but it still brings me a sense of calm, or at least coping.So that is all for now as I leave you with this mumbo jumbo of thoughts. But maybe, it's better to get them out right?

How are you at the moment?

Linking with Kylie for IBOT



When all else fails, bring out the word prompt


Book Review: Love At First Flight