When all else fails, bring out the word prompt

7Let's play a little game. It's called: "I still have so much in my head to process and the only way I can blog is with a word prompt." It's a bit like those taking stock posts, except nowhere near as good. Okay, let's go:Writing: I'll start with this because it's the only thing right now that is going okay. I've set myself a challenge to add an additional 20,000 to my second manuscript by the end of September. I'm slow and steady on the pace at the moment and am happy with my progress. As I work my way through, I'm feeling I need to change a few things towards the middle to end of the story, so that will be a challenge. But I'm up to it. Bring it on I say!Pondering: Who's in charge up there? I've know all the sayings: 'Life is meant to try us', 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade', 'What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger' but whoever is running the show really has a warped sense of humour.Thankful: Although hubby and I are very strong willed and can butt heads occasionally, when it comes to a crisis, we stand together as strong as a wall of steel. It's times like these I realise how lucky we are to have each other.Listening: To Guns n' Roses, they got me through my teens, they'll get me through now too.Wishing: The spring weather would break here. I need some sun.Knowing: Things aren't as bad as they feel inside the bubble. I just need it to pop and breathe in a fresh dose of perspective.Watching: Stranger Things on Netflix.Doing: Something for myself and stepping outside my comfort zone by taking part in a styling challenge. *gulp*Reading: An interesting and intriguing draft of a manuscript from a very talented writer. And loads of amazing blog posts to try and inspire me.Loving: My husband, my kids and my closest friends, because when it all comes down to it they're all that matter.Planning: A self-indulgent writing escape that I really want to do, but will take mammoth efforts of logistics to organise. Now just to discuss it with husband... Looking: Forward to a well-needed catch up with some wonderful ladies.Wanting: To have a big cry, but unable to let my guard down just yet. Apologies for such a very poor excuse for a blog post, but that's all I got right now. 

Now it's your turn.Choose a word from above and let me know how it's going in your life right now. 

 Linking with Kylie Purtell for IBOT, because there are some seriously amazing bloggers who link up their fantastic blogs.


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